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Last updated May 17, 2019 - 1:14 PM Visible also to unregistered users
# :white_check_mark: First backup and restore with Mayan EDMS Before I think about using a tool at home, I always need to have a working restore plan if everything goes south. ## Preparation 1. Regular postgres database dumps to mayans media folder.\ *(read further, why the media folder has a special function in my case)* 2. The media folder location links to a NFS mount coming directly from my NAS.\ This way the documents, settings, cache and database (see 1.) are part of the “usual” backup plan. Which is itself being a RAID 1 system and also backed up once a week onto an external USB harddisk. With these two points everything, which is needed for a complete (fresh) restore, is in one place. ## Restore (test) First the “crash” simulation: * Drop postgres database mayan\ `sudo -u postgres dropdb [DBNAME]` * Move or delete (*if you’re brave* :yum:) mayan root.\ *(which is also a virtual environment)* Restore steps: * Install new mayan edms virtual environment as stated in the docs at the previous path * Create empty database for mayan and import latest database dump * create a symlink to the mayan media folder NFS share at the expected position *(stated in the config)* * restart supervisor Updated [mayan sequence]( with step 20 and 22 to backup the database to mayan and a small help how to restore. ## Result ![image.png](file-guid:ff33b8ea-ce7c-4884-a1be-fdfc4977c002 "image.png")